Dustin Brand - Albuquerque, NM (email in source - to contact please use that)
Software Engineer, Business Owner, Movie Buff, Colts fan

My prerequsites:
  During the COVID 19 epidemic, I am only able to work from home. I am in a high risk group.
  Skype, webcam is possible with a good lead time if you need me to coordinate with a team.



  I do this because I love solving problems easily with software and creating new and exciting things.


 Notable projects:

  10/6/20 - Just received certification for Castie on XBOX Series X and S consoles and ready for launch on the release Nov 10 of the Xbox Series X which sold out in minutes.

  6/1/20 - Non Disclosure Agreement/s - I have worked on many of these. Recently on Jun 1/2020 I was brought on board to help a company realize their vision of a delivery company post-pandemic or during-pandemic using Android. I have created screen after screen for onboarding, worked with Google Maps, the Camera API, and backend Realm and Retrofit in my day to day using core Java / Android in a MVC architecture.

  Castie ™ - Play and stream media from the web, your network or elsewhere to a ChromeCast, Tivo, Blu-Ray player, Smart TV, Amazon FireTV, Roku, XBOX and more from your Android device. That's only <part> of what it does. Roku, XBOX, and FireTV companion apps that run directly on those devices also developed. Roku is written in Brightscript, FireTV in Android/Java using Amazons custom exoPlayer build, and XBOX/Windows are written in UWP .NET Core using C#. The core Castie Android app is written in pure Java and is protocol heavy - all custom without use of RXJava or the like. I am used to large codebases and Castie is over 250k on it's own, on Android with in house code.

  GovBrain - I was brought on to lead the Machine Learning aspects of GB and take it to the next level as a CTO. Build a workable model that reacts to the indicies in global market trade while out performing the S&P500- IE: Nasdaq, NYSE, etc. In 2015 GB won 2nd place at a prestigious FinTech awards ceremony. GB also predicts turmoil like the current pandemic and applies sentiments to those events. 120k+ sloc.

  TANFPlus - I was brought on to lead the creation of an entire Client Management System for the State of New Mexico. The goal was, from scratch, to bring the State of NM into the future in dealing with clients needing Supplemental Nutritional Assistance or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. TANFPlus ended up having me travel to Washington, DC to present as well as running the entire State of NM's program for 6+ years. I wrote TANFPlus using SQL Server, ASP.NET and C#. 80k+ sloc

  Google Developer Group - Being a part of such a large Developer group connected to Google at first was intimidating. For North America I progressed and became a mentor to other North American cities and organizers. Meeting people who work at Google in Developer Relations as well as forming long lasting friendships with them or other core team members has been a highlight of my career.

  Created Atomic Time Zone (ATZ) - real-time network time software using Atomic clocks over the internet. Windows software for the desktop user (GUI skins, configurable comparable to winAMP), and the server user. Server users are the core user. Deployed via General Dynamics on SSN #'s (Nuclear Submarines), Police Stations, and Universities worldwide. Written in VB6 then VB.NET. Wait, what?

  Created Never Offline(R) - this was many, many years ago during the time of America Online. NOL was able to make a dial-up NOL. The userbase was quite large and over 10 million with AOL and regular dial-up providers included. NOL was featured in magazines and on television.

  I started writing code in my bedroom as a teenager. I learned a language that was a mix of C and VB called BAJA for Synchronet BBS - a BBS I ran from my home. The code I wrote and distributed worldwide was selling very well. This was the beginning of my journey as a freshman in HS with writing code for computers, and the like.

1992-2020+ - Programming Experience
  general - 25+ yrs
  C# - 18+ yrs
  UWP - 3+ yrs
  .NET Core - 3+ yrs
  java - 10+ yrs
  ASP/ASP.NET - 20+, 18+ yrs
  VB.NET - 18+ yrs
  VB - 23+ yrs
  SQL - 18+ yrs
  mysql - 10+ yrs
  php - 10+ yrs
  html, js - 25+, 23+ yrs
  rest - 20+ years, yes 20+
  Google Cloud Platform - 8+ yrs
  Azure - 8+ yrs
  Machine Learning - 8+ yrs
  Android - 10+ yrs
  Windows - 23+ yrs
  TCP/IP & UDP - 23+ yrs
  Protocols - 25+ yrs I am able to write entire protocols from scratch.
  JSON - 15+ yrs (early 00's, not 2013 or 2017)